نبذة مختصرة : This study is composed of 517 adult voluntary participants, from Barcelona and its surroundings, all of whom are from Spain, Barcelona, and Catalonia. The study builds on a previously published report for a smaller sample (N = 250; see Alvarez, Baeza, Campo, Garcia, Guardia, et al., 1993) and is the result of collaboration between students and professors at the Barcelona Rorschach School (Catalan Rorschach Society). Our aim is to offer local data that should help to understand possible differences with existing reference data for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2005), which is the system that has been taught at this school since 1978. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described and interrater reliability statistics at the response level are presented, along with scores for the CS, followed by a discussion and very brief comparison with other international reference samples.
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