نبذة مختصرة : The modern Republic of Turkey is close to its 100th anniversary but it has substantially changed in comparison to the secular and Western-oriented state of its initial days. After almost two decades of the AKP rule and the dazzling Erdoğan leading figure, several transformations have been experienced as in politics, because of the ascending and consolidation of an Islamist ruling party; in economy, since Turkey had an impressive performance during the first decade of the AKP in power; as well as in social sphere, due the emergence of identities that challenged the prevalent Kemalist narrative. All these changes involve complexities and provoke tense debates within Turkish society, some of which can start to be solved through next elections. Hence year 2023 becomes a watershed in Turkish History and certain questions regarding if the current trend will persist or if new transformations will take place become relevant. The discussion necessarily implies to envisage a hypothetical scenario without Erdoğan and the consequences of his absence on Turkey’s near future.
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