نبذة مختصرة : International audience; Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) possess desirable mechanical and opticalproperties that make them a candidate in the development of the nextgeneration of polymer-based composites. However, CNC also have a criticalissue associated with their use: their hydrophilicity and incompatibility withhydrophobic polymers. CNC surface properties must be modified for them tobe successfully implemented by the industrial sector. Grafting (co)polymerschains on the CNC surface can provide compatibility to CNC withhydrophobic matrices and expand their potential range of applications. In thiscommunication preliminary results of a simple method to functionalize CNCsurface are reported using block copolymers, where a cationic block anchorsvia complexation to the anionically charged CNC surface and the other blockacts as a stabilizing block, providing dispersibility in various solvents. This is amuch simpler and less expensive method than current routes based oncovalent modification. The block copolymers poly(polyethylene glycolmethacrylate)-b-poly(N-butyl-N′-vinyl imidazolium bromide)(PPEGMA-b-PBuVIm) and poly(styrene)-b-PBuVIm (PS-b-PBuVIm) are firstsynthesized via nitroxide-mediated polymerization and then non-covalentlyadsorbed on the CNC surface. The functionalization has been confirmed viaFT-IR and TGA. The dispersion of polymer-modified CNC materials in organicsolvents is evaluated via dynamic light scattering. Modified CNC yieldedstable dispersions in organic solvents.
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