نبذة مختصرة : En 2001, Rivard publiait une etude sur la production de resumes a partir d'un texte de vulgarisation en sciences chez les eleves du secondaire. Celle-ci a indique qu'il existait d'importantes differences dans l'emploi de la langue entre les eleves FL1 et les eleves FL2. Le present article fait etat des resultats d'un deuxieme volet a cette recherche portant sur six classes de mots ou categories grammaticales. Les resumes ont ete evalues en utilisant une grille de correction specifique, grille comportant 38 types d'erreurs regroupes sous six differentes categories : le nom, le verbe, le pronom, l'orthographe, la syntaxe et l'expression. Le nombre d'erreurs pour chacun de ces types ou variables a fait l'objet d'une analyse statistique afin d'identifier les variables pour lesquelles des differences significatives existent entre ces deux groupes d'eleves, ainsi que celles pour lesquelles nous observons une amelioration au cours du secondaire. Des analyses plus fines nous ont permis de decrire les forces et les faiblesses de ces deux groupes d'eleves. In 2001, Rivard published a study on the composition of summaries written by high school students and based on a scientific text which had appeared in a non-technical science magazine. The author reported that there were a number of important differences in the use of language between FL1 and FL2 students. The present article focuses on the results of the second phase of the research; it examines six categories of words or grammar groupings. The summaries produced by students were evaluated using a specific marking scheme composed of 38 types of errors, which were then further subdivided into six categories: the noun, the verb, the pronoun, spelling, syntax, and expression. A statistical, quantitative analysis of the number of errors for each category variable was produced. The researchers identified the variables where significant differences existed between the two groups of students, as well as the categories where major improvements had occurred during secondary school. A further detailed analysis allowed the researchers to describe the strengths and weaknesses of both groups of students.
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