نبذة مختصرة : Ngajaga-jaga ceremony is a religious ceremony performed as a sacrifice to Bhuta Kala which aims to get a good life and achieve happiness and harmony. But the difference that is known is very unique is the ceremonial infrastructure used in the ceremony Ngajaga-jagaused the cow, Isused only bone, tail, and to the burned cow, while the meat is made timbungan. Unique infrastructure, there are also other uniqueness that can be seen from the implementation of the Ngajaga-jaga ceremony, the head of the cow is stolen by a citizen, and who stole the head of the cow Is pursued by the sekaa line by using wood tlugtug. When the thief is captured, the thief will ask a ransom of 200 kepeng bucks.The problems to be discussed include: (1) How is the procession of Ngajaga-jaga ceremony atDalem Temple, Adat Village Tiyingan, Petang District, Badung Regency? (2) What is the function of Ngajaga-jaga Ceremony atDalem Temple, Adat Village of Tiyingan, Petang District, Badung Regency? (3) What values of Hindu religious education are contained in the Ngajaga-jaga Ceremony at Dalem Temple, Adat Village Tiyingan, Petang District, Badung Regency? This research aims to (1) Know the procession of Ngajaga-jaga ceremony in DalemTemple Adat Tiyingan Village, Petang District, Badung Regency, (2) Understand the function of Ngajaga-jaga ceremony at Dalem TempleAdat Tiyingan Village, Petang Sub-district, Badung Regency 3) Describe the values of Hindu religious education contained in the Ngajaga-jaga ceremony at DalemTemple Adat Tiyingan Village, Petang District Badung Regency. Theories used to analyze the problem are: Structuralism Theory of Ratna, Theory of Functionalism of Kaplan, The Theory of Value of Max Scheler. This type of research is qualitative research. The research location is in Adat Village Tiyingan, while the determination of the informant using purposive sampling technique. The methods used to collect data are: observation, interview, document study, and literature study.The results show (1) Ngajaga-jaga ceremonial procession consists of three parts, namely: preparation process, implementation process and final process. (2) The function of the Ngajaga-jaga ceremony are: (1) Religious Function, consisting of 3 parts: Purgatory Function, Function Offering, Nyomya Bhuta Kala Function, (2) Social Function, (3) Educational Function. (3) Educational Values contained in Ngajaga-jaga ceremonies include: (1) Tattwa Education Value, (2) Value of Ethics Education, (3) Value of Educational Ceremony, (4) Value of Aesthetic Education.
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