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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 2021.
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      The article is aimed to detect directions of the personal-and-professional potential development of civil service staff of the court apparatus based on empirical research results. Personal-and-professional potential has been defined as a systemic foundation, which is formed in a person as the subject of labor activity ensuring its progressive development. The structure of the personal-and-professional potential of the civil service staff of the court apparatus has been presented. The structure consists of cognitive (professional competencies, acquired knowledge system), motivational (individual system of motives and meanings in professional activity – motivation to succeed; professionally important qualities of a court employee – ethical and normative responsibility) and activity (choice and implementation of a certain line of behavior and actions in professional situations – conscious self-regulation of activities) components. The results of the cognitive component study have stated the developed status of gnostic and conative components of the communicative competence. According to the motivational component, there have been diagnosed the predominance of the avoidance motivation and prevalence of normative responsibility of the respondents. Data on the activity component have shown high and medium levels of the development of self-regulation system components. According to the data obtained, formative measures require such components of the personal-and-professional potential as ethical responsibility, motivation to succeed, emotional and motivational component of communicative competence. Promoting the development of the personal-and-professional potential can be most effectively implemented in the form of a psychological support, which should include a set of organizational, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at the formation and development of professionally significant personal qualities, competencies, and employees’ own attitude to professional activity. The main activity directions for a practical psychologist on the development of the personal-and-professional potential of the court staff have been determined. The development of the personal-and-professional potential should have both a multi-vector course taking into account certain structural components and a personality-oriented one. References Aleksandrov, D.O. (2015). 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