نبذة مختصرة : In curriculum evaluation and development, the views of students are important – but often overlooked. We report findings from a small innovative project involving 60 male (M) and female (F) students in two successive age groups: UK National Curriculum Year Groups (NCYG) 8 and 9 (aged 12–13 years and 13–14 years, respectively). The project was carried out in a West Midlands city comprehensive school during an era of curriculum change. The research was in three phases. For each phase a questionnaire was developed (available on request from the first author). These were: Questionnaire 1: “Students' views on the National Curriculum subjects”; Questionnaire 2: “My ideas for a better Curriculum”; and Questionnaire 3: “Your views on improving the National Curriculum at the school” (on two individually selected subjects). Suggested actions by the individual student, and also by the school staff, were obtained. Quantitative analyses based on 5,160 items of data and qualitative analyses of students' suggestions for...
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