نبذة مختصرة : Sigurna i lako dostupna pitka voda je bitan javnozdravstveni faktor te osnovno ljudsko pravo. Voda za piće mora biti bez boje i mirisa, ne smije sadržavati štetne ili otrovne kemijske tvari te mora biti sigurna na temelju mikrobiološke, fizikalne i kemijske kontrole parametara. Hrvatska spada među najbogatije zemlje prema količini dostupne pitke vode. Svrha ovoga istraživanja je prikazati i usporediti podatke vezane za fizikalno-kemijske parametre pitke vode grada Zagreba i grada Rijeke za 2020. godinu. Analizirani fizikalno-kemijski pokazatelji kvalitete pitkih voda u ovom radu su temperatura, boja, mutnoća, miris, okus, koncentracija vodikovih iona, elektrovodljivost, kloridi, nitrati i nitriti, aluminij, željezo, mangan, arsen, amonij i utrošak kalijevog permanganata (KMnO4). Na temelju provedenog istraživanja te uspoređujući prikupljene podatake s važećim zahtjevima te propisima vezanim uz pitke vode, dolazimo do zaključka da su sve ispitane vrijednosti bile unutar vrijednosti propisanih Pravilnikom te da su ispitani uzorci ispravni osim jednog uzorka mutnoće, u siječnu, u gradu Zagrebu. Nadalje, uspoređujući dva navedena grada također možemo zaključiti da je Grad Zagreb imao više temperature pitkih voda, veće koncentracije elektrovodljivosti, klorida i nitrata u uzorcima nego grad Rijeka. Grad Rijeka je imao veću prisutnost boja, veću pH vrijednost i pojavu mutnoća tokom cijele godine u odnosu na grad Zagreb. Oba navedena grada imaju pitku vodu visoke kvalitete ali je potrebno i dalje provoditi monitoring te tako provjeravati zdravstvenu ispravnost istih.
Safe and easily accessible drinking water is an important public health factor and a basic human right. Drinking water must be colorless and odorless, must not contain harmful or toxic chemicals and must be safe on the basis of microbiological, physical and chemical control of parameters. Croatia is one of the richest countries in terms of the amount of drinking water available. The purpose of this research is to present and compare data related to the physico-chemical parameters of drinking water in the city of Zagreb and the city of Rijeka for 2020. The analyzed physico-chemical indicators of drinking water quality in this paper are temperature, color, turbidity, odor, taste, hydrogen ion concentration, electrical conductivity, chlorides, nitrates and nitrites, aluminum, iron, manganese, arsenic, ammonium and consumption of potassium permanganate (KMnO4). Based on the research and comparing the collected data with current requirements and regulations related to drinking water, we come to the conclusion that all tested values were within the values prescribed by the Ordinance and that the tested samples are correct, except for one turbidity sample, in January, in Zagreb. Furthermore, comparing the two mentioned cities, we can also conclude that the City of Zagreb had higher drinking water temperatures, higher concentrations of electrical conductivity, chloride and nitrate in the samples than the city of Rijeka. The City of Rijeka had a higher presence of colors, a higher pH value and the appearance of turbidity throughout the year compared to the City of Zagreb. Both of these cities have high quality drinking water, but it is necessary to continue monitoring and thus check their health safety of drinking water.
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