نبذة مختصرة : Syftet med studien var att, genom granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar, undersöka olika former av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för barn med Downs syndrom. Insamlingen av data genomfördes genom en litteratursökning via databaser som fanns att tillgå via Luleå tekniska universitet. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades för att avgöra om de var lämpliga att inkludera i studien. Totalt identifierades 18 artiklar som legat till grund för studien. Resultatet visade att det finns arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för barn med Downs syndrom. De identifierade arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna kategoriserades utifrån Fishers (2009) sex interventionsformer: “preparation”, “rote practice/exercise”, “simulated occupation”, “restorative occupation”, “acquistional occupation” och “adaptive occupation”. Dock inkluderades artiklarnas interventioner endast av fyra av Fishers (2009) sex interventionsformer. Vidare undersöktes det om artiklarnas arbetsterapeutiska interventioner skedde på aktivitets-eller funktionsnivå. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten visade på att den större andelen av de arbetsterapeutiska interventionerna för barn med Downs syndrom sker på funktionsnivå, det vill säga utifrån de interventioner som Fisher (2009) beskriver som: “preparation”, “rote practice/exercise” och “simulate The purpose of the study was to investigate available types of occupational therapeutic interventions for children with Down's syndrome by reviewing scientific articles. Data collection was carried out through a literature search through databases that were available through Luleå University of Technology. The articles were quality-reviewed to determine if they were suitable for inclusion in the study. In total, 18 articles were identified as the basis for the study. The results showed that there are occupational therapy interventions for children with Down's syndrome. The identified occupational therapeutic interventions were categorized based on Fisher's (2009) six forms of intervention: "preparation", "rote practice / exercise", "simulated occupation", "restorative occupation", "acquistional occupation" and "adaptive occupation". However, the interventions of the articles were included only by four of Fisher's (2009) six intervention forms. Furthermore, it was examined whether the articles' occupational therapeutic interventions took place at the level of activity or function. The result of the literature review showed that the larger proportion of the occupational therapeutic interventions for children with Down syndrome occurs at the functional level, that is, based on the interventions that Fisher (2009) describes as: "preparation", "rote practice / exercise" and "simulated occupation”.
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