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PLATO Use for Graduation Test Preparation, Piedmont High School, Piedmont, Alabama. PLATO Evaluation Series.

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      Piedmont High School is a small high school in rural Alabama, which serves a primarily white population and has a high dropout rate. PLATO computerized instruction has been used by almost 200 skill-deficient students, and 4 teachers have used it. After using PLATO, Piedmonts struggling students are much more likely to pass the Alabama High School Graduation Examination (AHSGE). The eventual passing rates for students using PLATO are somewhat lower than those of other PHS students, but the growth that PLATO learners exhibit surpasses that of non-PLATO students. PLATO users make the greatest gains in mathematics (a 19% increase in passing) and language arts (a 15% increase in passing). Overall effect size was 0.64 in reading, language arts, and mathematics, and 0.26 in science. When the percent of activities mastered was considered, passing students had a higher percentage of mastering activities, indicating that mastery of PLATO modules is a predictor of success. Overall, however, from 39% to 49% of the activities studied were mastered by PLATO students whether they passed or failed an AHSGE subtest. PLATO educators said that they are generally pleased with the instructional and technological aspects of PLATO and their own training. (SLD)
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