This special issue of "The English Record" contains 12 articles about the teaching and learning of English at the primary and secondary school levels. The issue includes: "Reading Education in New York State" by E. B. Nyquist; "Writing and Imaginative Writing" by D. J. Casey; "Creativity Theory and Language Arts" by R. P. Smith; "Communication: A Two-Way Street" by R. Dykstra; "Let 'Em Talk" by R. L. Knudson; "Creative Dramatics: Field of the Future" by S. Schwartz; "Research and the Teaching of English" by R. L. Cayer; "Asking the First Two Questions" by C. R. Cooper; "Sequencing in English K-12: A Model" by D. R. Wood; "Making Sense of Behavioral Objectives and Accountability" by F. J. Tutera; "The Teacher in a Changing Society: Will the Leopard Change Its Spots?" by A. R. Mangione; and "Books of Yesterday" by E. Bennett. (Author/DI)
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