نبذة مختصرة : Objective: To investigate the effect of retaining the vessels around the orbicularis oculi muscle on reducing local swelling after blepharoplasty.
Methods: A total of 309 patients undergoing blepharoplasty (total incision) were observed and randomly assigned to three groups; (A) conventional operation; (B) preservation of deep vessels; (C) preservation of anterior vessels of orbicularis oculi muscle. The groups were compared based on intraoperative blood loss, operation time, swelling, satisfaction, and complications.
Results: Among the 309 patients, 39 were lost to follow-up. c Additionally, A had the shortest operation time, followed by C with slightly longer duration. On the 7th day, 15th day, and 1 month after surgery, both B and C demonstrated significantly lower levels of swelling compared to A. Moreover, patient satisfaction was higher in B and C than in A.
Conclusion: Retaining either superficial or deep veins of the orbicularis oculi muscle can effectively reduce short-term postoperative swelling. However, when retaining the superficial central group of this muscle during surgery, it is crucial to strictly control the amount of surrounding tissue around vessels.
(© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)
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