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The physical environment is essential, but what does the design and structure of stroke units look like? A descriptive survey of inpatient stroke units in Sweden.

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  • المؤلفون: Anåker A;Anåker A; Morichetto H; Morichetto H; Elf M; Elf M
  • المصدر:
    Scandinavian journal of caring sciences [Scand J Caring Sci] 2023 Jun; Vol. 37 (2), pp. 328-336. Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Aug 08.
  • نوع النشر :
    Journal Article
  • اللغة:
  • معلومة اضافية
    • المصدر:
      Publisher: Taylor & Francis Country of Publication: Sweden NLM ID: 8804206 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1471-6712 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 02839318 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Scand J Caring Sci
    • بيانات النشر:
      Publication: Stockolm, Sweden : Taylor & Francis
      Original Publication: Stockholm, Sweden : Almquist & Wiksell Periodical Co., [1987?-
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Background: The design of the physical environment is a critical factor in patient care and is known to influence health, well-being, clinical efficiency, and health-related outcomes. To date, there has been no general review of the physical environment of modern Swedish stroke units.
      Aim: To explore the physical environment of inpatient stroke units in Sweden and describe the design and structure of these units.
      Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Data were collected in Sweden from April to July 2021 via a survey questionnaire.
      Results: The layout of the stroke units varied broadly, such as the number of single-bed and multi-bed rooms. More than half the stroke units comprised spaces for rehabilitation and had an enriched environment in the form of communal areas with access to computers, games, books, newspapers, and meeting places. However, they offered sparse access to plants and/or scenery.
      Conclusions: Healthcare environments are an essential component of a sustainable community. From a sustainability perspective, healthcare facilities must be built with high architectural quality and from a long-term perspective. Research on the physical environment in healthcare should contribute to improved quality of care, which can be achieved through building healthcare facilities that support the performance of care and recovery. Therefore, mapping of areas of interest for further investigation is crucial.
      (© 2022 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic College of Caring Science.)
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    • Contributed Indexing:
      Keywords: enriched environment; healthcare; physical environment; stroke unit
    • الموضوع:
      Date Created: 20220808 Date Completed: 20230519 Latest Revision: 20230519
    • الموضوع:
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