نبذة مختصرة : With the expansion of the scale of the aquaculture workshop, the types and quantities of fish in the aquaculture pond have increased significantly, which is prone to water pollution or water quality changes, resulting in production safety accidents in the aquaculture workshop. The use of water quality inspection system for regular inspection of aquaculture ponds can not only reduce the labor intensity of aquaculture workers, but also detect abnormal water quality in aquaculture ponds in time and reduce economic losses. Due to the high humidity and poor lighting conditions in the recirculating aquaculture workshop, and the existence of a large number of aquaculture facilities and supporting aquaculture equipment, if a single target path planning method is adopted, it cannot meet the operational requirements of the water quality inspection system. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a water quality inspection system based on three-dimensional lidar positioning technology. At the same time, a multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimal inspection path of the robot considering five main factors, including safety, distance, stability, travel duration and collision-free path. And the feasibility of the water quality inspection system is verified by experiments. In the process of multi-objective genetic algorithm calculation, the number of path filling is first initialized; then, multiple objective functions are calculated to measure the fitness of individual paths, and the path satisfying the fitness criterion is selected as the optimal path of the water quality inspection system. The best individual is selected from the population with its probability by the tournament selection method, and then the two chromosomes are exchanged. The new offspring are generated by cyclic crossover, and then the adaptive bit mutation is performed to randomly exchange the input bit string. After executing the genetic operator, the fitness of the path is calculated and the fitness standard is checked. Repeat the above process until the specified conditions are met. Finally, the optimal path suitable for the movement of the water quality inspection system is selected. The experimental results show that the minimum lateral deviation of robot navigation is 4.5 cm, the maximum deviation is 7.2 cm, the minimum longitudinal deviation is 3.6 cm, the maximum deviation is 6.3 cm, the minimum heading deviation is 4.1°, and the maximum deviation is 6.9°, which meets the navigation and positioning requirements of the breeding workshop. The detected water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH were completely consistent with the manual detection results, indicating that the water quality inspection system was stable and could replace the manual detection of water quality in the aquaculture workshop. The simulation results based on multiobjective genetic algorithm show that compared with MOVNS and RCHF methods, the travel time of this algorithm is reduced by 31% and 42% respectively under the same driving path, and the obstacle collision rate is reduced by 15% and 31% respectively under the same path and number of obstacles. When selecting the path with the minimum time complexity in path planning, the performance of the proposed algorithm is more efficient and smoother. The research results can provide reference for the development of water quality inspection system in aquaculture workshop. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
نبذة مختصرة : 为解决强噪声、低光照、高湿度环境下循环水养殖车间水质巡检难题, 该研究提出基于三维激光雷达定位技术 的水质巡检系统, 同时采用多目标遗传算法求解考虑 5 个主要因素的机器人最佳巡检路径 (包括安全性、距离、平稳性、 行程持续时间和无碰撞路径), 并通过试验验证水质巡检系统可行性。研究结果表明, 当巡检系统以 0.5 m/s 巡航时, 实际导航路径与目标路径的最大横向偏差为 7.2 cm, 最大纵向偏差为 6.3 cm, 最大航向偏差为 6.9°; 基于多目标遗传算 法的路径规划较多目标进化和随机同源类查找器方法, 在行驶路径相同的条件下路径规划时间分别减少了 31% 和 42%, 在同一路径且障碍物数量相同的条件下障碍物碰撞率分别降低了 15% 和 31%。研究结果可为养殖车间水质巡检系统研 发提供参考。 [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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