نبذة مختصرة : 1-Introduction Soil erosion is one of the most important environmental issues in the world; so that, soils that are affected by degradation processes such as compaction, loss of nutrients and water retention capacity lead to soil erosion and loss in fertile agricultural lands. Gully erosion is the most severe type of water erosion, which is one of the main factors of land degradation. Spatial forecasting of gully erosion using models that are based on land sensitivity to gully erosion and their output leads to the preparation of gully erosion risk maps in the form of gully erosion is the most suitable strategy for land management planning in watersheds to prevent gully erosion. If there is a zoning map of gully erosion in watersheds, economic and social damages could be controlled through appropriate measures and strategies in addition to preventing heavy costs to control gully erosion. According to the available models and relationships, it can be concluded that the most efforts in gully erosion modeling have been focused on the location of gullies as well as predicting the possibility or non-possibility of gully occurrence; So that, only a part of the effective factors have been investigated due to variability of factors affecting the gully. While the present research aims to determine the most important factors affecting the gully erosion and prioritize the factors and finally zoning the gully points and sensitivity to the gully in Maroon watershed. Maroon watershed is located in the southern and southwestern slopes of the Middle Zagros. The area of the watershed is 3837 km2, the maximum height from the sea level is 3420.3 m and the minimum is 372.8 m. The average annual rainfall is 815 mm, the long-term average annual temperature in te representative stations of the plains is and the stations located in the highlands are 19 and 16 ºC respectively. According to the Dumarten system, the climate type is Mediterranean to semi-arid. In summary, the present research was carried out as follows: 1) Selecting the area, preparation of the distribution map of gully occurrence (dependent variable) and its random division into two training or calibration (70 percent) and experimental or forecasting (30 percent) categories, 2) preparation of the maps of 23 effective factors (independent variables), 3) selecting the effective factors using alignment test between the effective factors and the occurrence of gullies, 4) running the model, 5) validation and evaluation of the model, and 6) preparation of a zoning map of susceptibility to gully erosion. In the present study, the location of gullies created in the Takht Daraz watershed was first recorded by field visit, and based on the recorded points, they were divided into two groups of training data (70%) and experimental data (30%) respectively in order to calibrate and validate the models. 23 factors affecting the occurrence of gully erosion were identified based on scientific references and watershed conditions, and their maps were prepared in ARCGIS environment. The weight of these factors was determined based on the frequency ratio, and then the correlation of the effective factors was investigated using the collinearity test. In the next step, the maximum entropy model was calibrated and validated using the weighted data of the effective factors and the spatial training and experimental data of the gully distribution. The Jackknife test and the receiver operating characteristic index were respectively used to determine the thresholds of effective factors in the occurrence of gully erosion as well as evaluating the efficiency of the studied models. 3-Results According to the collinearity analysis, the variance inflation rate of the investigated variables was less than 0.5, which indicates the non-collinearity between the investigated variables and all the variables were included in the modeling process. Based on the results of MaxEnt model (maximum entropy), a gully erosion sensitivity map was obtained, based on which the very high sensitivity class with 52 percent of gully occurrences has the highest density of gullies; So that the ratio of the frequency of gullies in this class was 6.73 and the Seed Cell Index area was 0.15. The very low sensitivity class has the lowest amount and frequency ratio of gully by 0.02 and nuclear cell surface index at the rate of 46.8. According to the information obtained from the map, the highest percentage of the area is related to very low sensitivity class (46%), which has eight pixels of gullies, and the lowest area of the watershed is related to the very high sensitivity class (8%) which has 420 pixels of gully. In general, based on the maximum entropy method, 34% of the watershed is in the medium to very high sensitivity class. Also, the validation results of the maximum entropy model based on the index of the area under the curve (AUC) showed that the area under the curve in this method was 0.85, which indicates the high accuracy of the maximum entropy model. 4-Discussion & Conclusions In the present study, the spatial distribution of gullies and its relationship with the effective environmental parameters of the Takht Daraz basin have been used in order to evaluate the sensitivity of gully erosion. For this purpose, different methods and models including witness weight, belief model and entropy method have been used to prepare a gully erosion sensitivity map. Google Earth image interpretation, past research and extensive field visits were used to prepare the gully distribution map, and 70% of the gullies were used for modeling and 30% for validation. In the field of effective parameters in gully erosion, 23 effective parameters were identified and prepared using research literature, access to data and environmental conditions of the study area. The results showed that the entropy model with the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.86 had high prediction accuracy. The results of the effective factors on gully erosion showed that according to the Jackknife test, the lithological factor had the greatest effect on the areas under the curve. The results of determining the parameters weight also showed that different parameters have different participation rates in the gully erosion occurrence; so that, the parameters of land-use and geology had the largest share of participation in the occurrence of gully erosion, with a contribution of 24% and 18% respectively. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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