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  • معلومة اضافية
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The adoption of Universal Healthcare Coverage stems from the understanding that equal access to health services is a human right and a key element in achieving sustainable development. Universal coverage contains two core elements: (1) Access to fair and quality health services for every citizen; and (2) Financial risk protection when residents use health services. Differences in the application of universal health coverage in Asian countries are caused, among other things, by the model of the health system, the level of health coverage can also vary, sources of financing, health infrastructure, cultural differences, demographics, and social context. Some of the challenges in achieving comprehensive universal health coverage in Asian countries include Social and Economic Inequality, Limited Health Infrastructure, Limited Resources, Increasing Burden of Certain Diseases, Limited Policy and Leadership. This study aims to provide an understanding of the extent to which the success and achievements of implementing universal health coverage in Asia, as the main principle of universal healthcare coverage is to ensure that all individuals can obtain the health services needed to prevent, treat and manage their health condition without experiencing excessive financial difficulties. This study was conducted using a systematic review method from the Proquest and JStore databases. This search included publications from 2017 to 2022. Inclusion criteria were review articles on equity in UHC health services, exclusion criteria were articles that did not discuss equality of health services.Based on the results of an article search through the ProQuest search engine, 49 journals were found, and from the JStore database, 2 journals were found. The journal was then screened as many as 10 journals from the ProQuest database, 2 journals from the JStore database, 39 journals from the ProQuest database were excluded for reasons, then 8 articles were selected according to the research objectives from the ProQuest database, 3 similar articles and 3 articles were issued again. excluded so that 2 relevant articles were obtained. To address the challenges of implementing universal health coverage, countries in Asia need to adopt a holistic approach that involves improving health infrastructure, increasing access to basic health services, increasing health financing, improving the quality of human resources in the health sector, and improving systems policy and governance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Diterapkannya CakupanKesehatan Universal (Universal Healthcare Coverage) berasal dari pemahaman bahwa akses yang merata terhadap layanan kesehatan merupakan hak asasi manusia dan merupakan elemen kunci dalam mencapai pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Cakupan universal mengandung dua elemen inti: (1) Akses pelayanan kesehatan yang adil dan bermutu bagi setiap warga; dan (2) Perlindungan risiko finansial ketika warga menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan. Perbedaan penerapan cakupan kesehatan universal di negara-negara Asia, antara lain disebabkan oleh model sistem kesehatan, tingkat cakupan kesehatan juga dapat bervariasi, sumber pembiayaan, infrastruktur kesehatan, perbedaan budaya, demografi, dan konteks sosial. Beberapa tantangan dalam mencapai cakupan kesehatan universal yang komprehensif di negara-negara di Asia meliputi, Ketimpangan Sosial dan Ekonomi, Infrastruktur Kesehatan yang Terbatas, Sumber Daya yang Terbatas, Peningkatan Beban Penyakit Tertentu, Keterbatasan Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberkan pemahaman sejauh mana keberhasilan maupun capaian penerapan cakupan kesehatan universal di Asia, sebagaimana prinsip utama dari cakupan kesehatan universal (universal healthcare coverage) adalah memastikan bahwa semua individu dapat memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang diperlukan untuk mencegah, mengobati, dan mengelola kondisi kesehatan mereka tanpa mengalami kesulitan keuangan yang berlebihan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan metode sistematic review dari database Proquest dan JStore, Penelusuran ini mengikutsertakan publikasi dari tahun 2017 hingga 2022. Kriteria inklusi yaitu review artikel tentang ekuitas pelayanan kesehatan UHC, kriteria eksklusi yakni artikel yang tidak membahas kesamaan pelayanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan hasil pencarian artikel melalui search engine ProQuest ditemukan 49 jurnal, dan dari database JStore ditemukan 2 jurnal. Jurnal tersebut kemudian disrikining sebanyak 10 jurnal dari database ProQuest, 2 jurnal dari database JStore, sebanyak 39 jurnal dari database ProQuest diekslusi karena dengan alasan, kemudian dipilih 8 artikel yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian dari database ProQuest, dikeluarkan lagi 3 artikel yang sama dan 3 artikel yang diekslusi sehingga didapatkan 2 artikel yang relevan. Untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan penerapan cakupan kesehatan universal, negara-negara di Asia perlu mengadopsi pendekatan holistik yang melibatkan perbaikan infrastruktur kesehatan, peningkatan akses ke layanan kesehatan dasar, peningkatan pembiayaan kesehatan, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia di sektor kesehatan, serta perbaikan sistem kebijakan dan tata kelola. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]