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- معلومة اضافية
- Alternate Title:
Identification of Borax, Formaldehyde and Microbial Contamination in Ground Garlic at the Traditional Market of Central Bogor District.
- نبذة مختصرة :
Garlic (Allium sativum) contains an organosulfur compound named allicin, which exhibits antibacterial effects. Whole garlic does not contain allicin. Allicin compounds in garlic are only formed when raw garlic undergoes the crushing process. However, allicin is susceptible to degradation at room temperature due to its unstable nature. Crushed garlic contains active allicin as it has undergone the crushing process. Nevertheless, ground spices sold in traditional markets are often stored without lids, thereby increasing the risk of physical and biological contamination. This study aimed to identify the presence of borax, formalin, and microbial contamination in ground garlic sold in traditional markets in Central Bogor District. Testing was conducted using the Labstest Rapid Test Kit for borax and formalin and the Total Plate Count (TPC) method for microbial contamination. A total of 23 research samples were selected from Merdeka Market, Kebon Kembang Market, Bogor Market, and Padasuka Market using purposive sampling method. The test results showed that borax and formalin were not detected in the tested samples. However, 47.83% of the samples did not meet the total microbial plate count limit as stipulated by Regulation of the Head of BPOM No. 16 of 2016, which sets the limit at 104 colonies/g for ready-to-use wet pastes (condiments). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- نبذة مختصرة :
Bawang putih (Allium sativum) mengandung senyawa organosulfur bernama allicin yang mempunyai efek antibakteri. Bawang putih yang masih utuh belum memiliki kandungan allicin. Senyawa allicin dalam bawang putih baru akan terbentuk ketika bawang putih mentah mengalami proses penghancuran. Namun, allicin rentan terhadap kerusakan pada suhu ruang karena sifatnya yang tidak stabil. Bawang putih yang sudah digiling memuat allicin aktif karena sudah melewati tahap penghancuran. Namun, bumbu giling yang diperjualkan di pasar tradisional kerap kali disimpan tanpa penutup sehingga risiko kontaminasi fisik serta biologis dapat meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan boraks, formalin, serta cemaran mikroba di bawang putih giling yang dijual di pasar tradisional di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah. Pengujian dilaksanakan memakai Rapid Test Kit merek Labstest untuk boraks dan formalin, serta metode Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) untuk cemaran mikroba. Sampel penelitian, sebanyak 23, dipilih dari Pasar Merdeka, Pasar Kebon Kembang, Pasar Bogor, serta Pasar Padasuka memakai metode purposive sampling. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa boraks serta formalin tidak terdeteksi dalam sampel yang diuji. Namun, sebanyak 47,83% sampel tidak memenuhi batasan angka lempeng total mikroba sejalan dengan Peraturan Kepala BPOM No. 16 tahun 2016, yang menetapkan batasan 104 koloni/g untuk bumbu dan kondimen siap pakai pasta (basah). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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