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Kako umestiti tradicijo v sodobnost?: Maistrova knjižnica kot kulturni spomenik prinaša s svojimi posebnostmi izvirne postavitve nove izzive z umestitvijo v redni fond UKM. (Slovenian)

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Alternate Title:
      How to place tradition in modernity?: the Maister Library as a cultural monument, with its distinctive original setting, brings new challenges with its placement in the regular collection of the UKM. (English)
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Purpose: In 2018, the Maister Library, held by the University of Maribor library (UKM), became a cultural monument of national importance. It is a comprehensive book heritage, which has been in the possession of the University Library of Maribor since 1998, when a gift agreement was signed with the heirs of General Maister. With the proclamation, the UKM undertook to make a proper inventory of the library materials from Maister's estate. As this is an extremely personal library, the UKM has endeavored to preserve the original layout as far as possible, both in the layout and in the inventory. This is important not only from the point of view of the preservation and protection of the material itself, but above all for the inventory and presentation of the book legacy of the Maister Library-M maisteriana's personal book collection as a cultural monument. This preserves the library collection as a whole, and also preserves the principle of provenance and its original arrangement, but with visibility in a reciprocal computer catalog. Methodology/approach: This is a chronological overview of the gradual steps from acquisition to proclamation. In the absence of general instructions or recommendations on how to incorporate original signatures into COBISS, this is an inventory of the processes and decisions that led to the adaptations adopted. This treatment of personal libraries is the exception rather than the rule in this country, as the library profession has not yet recognized the importance of the comprehensive treatment and preservation of personal libraries as cultural and historical assets. Results: The solutions presented for the signing, inventorying and equipping of the material, as well as the incorporation of the existing original layout into the COBISS system in the way required by the rules on the entry of holding data, including the setting of local code lists, show that the incorporation of the original layout is not as simple as it seems at first sight. It brings with it peculiarities that are not quite compatible with the 'transfer' to COBISS and its legalities, so the solution presented here is the one that seemed to be the most acceptable in the UKM inventory. The Maister Library at UKM is thus becoming visible in COBIB, while retaining its authentic layout and exceptional character. Research limitations: Personal libraries are a mirror of the individual, not only in terms of their content but also in terms of their classification. These specificities can prove burdensome when trying to transfer the original layout and labelling to an existing inventory system. The latter does not allow all the specificities to be included. Originality/practical implications: The paper presents the organization of work and the inventory procedures, and in particular, explains the structure of the layout and signatures in more detail. The solutions presented may be of help to other personal library administrators who aim to promote the content of the Slovenian mutual catalog more widely through inventorying. The Maister Library at the UKM is an example of systematic treatment of personal library collections. It preserves its authenticity while keeping pace with today's library profession. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Namen: V letu 2018 je Maistrova knjižnica, ki jo hrani Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor (UKM), postala kulturni spomenik državnega pomena. Gre za celovito knjižno zapuščino, ki je od leta 1998, ko je bila podpisana darilna pogodba z dediči generala Maistra, v lasti Univerzitetne knjižnice Maribor. Z razglasitvijo se je UKM zavezala k ustreznemu popisu knjižničnega gradiva iz Maistrove zapuščine. Ker gre za izjemno osebno knjižnico, je UKM tako pri postavitvi kot pri popisovanju težila k ohranitvi izvirne postavitve, kolikor se le da. To ni pomembno le z vidika same hrambe in zaščite gradiva, temveč predvsem zaradi popisa in prezentacije knjižne zapuščine osebne knjižne zbirke Maistrove knjižnice - maistriane kot kulturnega spomenika. Tako se ohranja knjižnična zbirka kot celota, ohranja se tudi princip provenience in njene prvotne ureditve, vendar z vidnostjo v vzajemnem računalniškem katalogu. Metodologija/pristop: Gre za kronološki pregled postopnih korakov od prevzema do razglasitve. Zaradi umanjkanja splošnih navodil ali priporočil, kako inkorporirati iz virne signature v sistem COBISS, gre za popis postopkov in odločitev, ki so pripeljali do sprejetih prilagoditev. Taka obravnava osebnih knjižnic je pri nas prej izjema kot pravilo, saj knjižničarska stroka še ni prepoznala pomena celostne obravnave in ohranitve osebnih knjižnic kot kulturnozgodovinske vrednosti. Rezultati: Specifika postavitve gradiva v osebni knjižnici, ki izhaja iz izvirne postavitve njenega tvorca, vpliva na delovne postopke. Predstavljene rešitve pri signiranju, inventariziranju in opremi gradiva, kot tudi inkorporiranje obstoječe izvirne postavitve v sistem COBISS na način, kot ga zahtevajo pravila o vpisovanju podatkov o zalogi, vključno z nastavitvami lokalnih šifrantov, kažejo, da inkorporacija izvirne postavitve ni tako preprosta, kot se zdi na prvi pogled. S seboj prinaša posebnosti, ki niso čisto kompatibilne pri 'prenosu' v sistem COBISS in njegove zakonitosti, zato je predstavljena rešitev, ki se je zdela v UKM pri popisovanju najbolj sprejemljiva. Maistrova knjižnica v UKM tako postaja vidna v COBIB-u, hkrati pa ohranja svojo avtentično postavitev in izjemnost. Omejitve (raziskave): Osebne knjižnice so zrcalo posameznika, ne le po sami vsebini, temveč tudi po razvrščanju. Te specifike se lahko kažejo kot obremenjujoče, ko skušamo izvirno postavitev in označevanje prenesti v obstoječi sistem popisovanja zaloge. Slednji namreč ne omogoča vključitve vseh posebnosti. Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Prispevek predstavlja organizacijo dela in postopke popisovanja, predvsem pa natančneje razloži strukturo postavitve in signature. Predstavljene rešitve so lahko v pomoč drugim skrbnikom osebnih knjižnic, ki stremijo k širši promociji vsebin s popisovanjem v slovenski vzajemni katalog. Maistrova knjižnica v UKM je primer sistematične obravnave osebnih knjižnih zbirk. Ohranja svojo avtentičnost, hkrati pa sledi današnji knjižničarski stroki. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Copyright of Library / Knjižnica is the property of Zveza bibliotekarskih drustev Slovenije (ZBDS) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)