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Moguće posljedice rane izloženosti endokrinim disruptorima.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Alternate Title:
      Possible consequences of early exposure to endocrine disruptors.
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are exogenous chemicals that alter the endocrine system function and have adverse effects on animal and human health. Synthesized compounds such as pesticides, industrial chemicals and their by-products, natural mycotoxins and phyto-oestrogens are included in the group of permanently present harmful compounds. The second group contains occasionally used chemicals (personal care products, pharmaceutical agents). The harmful effects of ED are tested in wildlife and laboratory animals, in cell cultures, and in human epidemiological and clinical research. The consequences of early exposure to ED have been demonstrated in disorders of the reproductive and endocrine systems, the occurrence of metabolic disorders and diseases, and neurological disorders. Some of the consequences are passed onto the next generations. In early childhood, it is important to detect and investigate the indicators of foetal exposure to harmful chemicals, to identify high- and low-risk groups for ED exposure, and to conduct prospective studies of the correlation of exposure with clinical outcomes throughout childhood and adolescence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Endokrini disruptori (ED) egzogene su kemikalije koje mijenjaju funkciju endokrinog sustava, čime dovode do štetnih učinaka na zdravlje životinja i ljudi. U skupinu trajno prisutnih štetnih spojeva ubrajaju se sintetizirani pesticidi, industrijske kemikalije i njihovi nusproizvodi, prirodni mikotoksini i fitoestrogeni. Drugu skupinu ED-a čine proizvodi s kojima se u kontakt dolazi povremeno (proizvodi široke potrošnje, farmaceutski agensi). Štetno djelovanje ED-a ispituje se na životinjama koje obitavaju u prirodi, na laboratorijskim životinjama, staničnim kulturama te u humanim epidemiološkim i kliničkim istraživanjima. Posljedice rane izloženosti ED-u dokazane su u poremećajima reproduktivnog i endokrinog sustava, pojavi metaboličkih poremećaja i bolesti, neurološkim poremećajima. Neke od posljedica prenose se na sljedeće generacije. U ranoj dječjoj dobi važno je otkriti i istražiti indikatore fetalne izloženosti, identificirati skupine velikog i malog rizika izloženosti ED-u, kako bi se mogla provesti prospektivna istraživanja korelacije izloženosti s kliničkim posljedicama tijekom novorođenačkog i dojenačkog razdoblja, djetinjstva i adolescencije. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]