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Uloga medicinske sestre u ergospirometrijskom testiranju.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Alternate Title:
      Role of the nurse in ergospirometry testing.
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Cardiopulmonary exertion testing (CPET) is a non-invasive diagnostic method for monitoring of cardiopulmonary response to the load. This test enables evaluation of the function and capacity of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic system.1 Therefore, ergospirometry has become an important clinical tool for assessing physical ability in patients with heart failure and other cardiorespiratory conditions. Ergospirometry test is considered the gold standard in testing of the functional abilities of cardiorespiratory system and planning individualized physical activity for patients undergoing cardiologic rehabilitation. The nurse has an integral role in the implementation of ergospirometry testing. In addition to helping patients manage their cardiovascular problems, her tasks are also the proper preparation of the room, equipment, and patient for an optimal test performance. During the test, occurrence of symptoms/complications such as fatigue, heart arrhythmia and syncope are possible. Therefore, the nurse working in the ergospirometry laboratory should know very well indications and contraindications for the test and should be skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Much of the sister's work in ergospirometry takes place long before the diagnostic test is carried out. Continuous education, development of medical and psychological skills is an integral part of work and progress in the ergometric laboratory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Ergospirometrija (CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing) je neinvazivna dijagnostička metoda kojom pratimo kardiopulmonalni odgovor na opterećenje. Pri ispitivanju se prate hemodinamska mjerenja, ventilacijska mjerenja, pokazatelji mišićnog metabolizma te mjerenja izmjene plinova u plućima.1 Stoga je ergospirometrija postala važan klinički alat za procjenu fizičke sposobnosti kod bolesnika s zatajivanjem srca i drugim kardiorespiratornim stanjima. Upravo zbog varijabli koje procjenjuje, ergospirometrija je danas postala jedan od standarda u procjeni kardiorespiratornog sustava i planiranja individualizirane tjelesne aktivnosti za pacijente kod kojih se provodi kardiolos'ka rehabilitacija. Uloga medicinske sestre u provedbi ergospirometrijskog testiranja je integralna. Osim što pomaže pacijentima da upravljaju svojim kardiovaskularnim problemima njeni zadatci su i pravilna priprema prostora, uređaja, pribora i pacijenta za valjanu i kvalitetnu izvedbu testiranja. Tijekom izvođenja testa moguća je pojava komplikacija kao što su: umor, srčane aritmije i sinkopa. Stoga medicinska sestra koja radi u laboratoriju za ergospirometriju mora znati indikacije i kontraindikacije za provedbu testa te mora posjedovati znanja i vještine kardiopulmonalne resuscitacije. Veliki dio sestrinskog rada u ergospirometriji se odvija puno prije samog provođenja pretrage. Trajna edukacija, razvijanje medicinsko tehničkih i psiholoških vještina sastavni su dio rada i napredovanja u ergometrijskom laboratoriju. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]