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  • المؤلفون: Bertoncelj, Maruša
  • المصدر:
    Socialna Pedagogika (14082942); Dec2017, Vol. 21 Issue 3/4, p237-257, 21p
  • معلومة اضافية
    • Alternate Title:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      This paper deals with one of the aspects of the action research that took place in one of the Slovenian Residential Social Care Institutions for a period of one year - the movement of social power from (total) institution to its inhabitants through the project of developing the conditions for the processes of its opening. The main part of the research was a camp that was held for a week in the garden by the building of the institute. At the moment, the aspect of power is especially important in the current discourse of deinstitutionalisation in Slovenia, especially due to the importance of lowering the degree of vulnerability of people living in institutions, who could or will again live in the community in the future. Vulnerability in this context is conceived as a consequence of a great distance from the sources of uncertainty that the total institutions maintain, while leaning on the manipulation of uncertainty as a universal power struggle strategy, as justified by Michael Crozier. In our case, the camp as a social pedagogic practice demonstrated what all the preliminary related research has shown - that the key conditions for increasing the power of people in care as a consequence of reducing uncertainty are: breaking the circular time, opening of spaces for active participation in everyday activities and codecision, adapting rules to the needs of the inhabitants and stemming from the practical concepts of the relational citizenship and radical pedagogies. It also became apparent that if the processes of deinstitutionalisation actually want to enable the increase in the power of residents of total institutions, they should also grant support to the professional staff, since the latter also experiences consequences of the unequal distances from the sources of uncertainty, which is what maintains the hierarchical structure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Prispevek obravnava enega od vidikov akcijske raziskave, ki je leto dni potekala v enem od slovenskih socialnovarstvenih zavodov - premikanje družbene moči od (totalne) ustanove k njenim stanovalcem skozi projekt razvijanja pogojev za procese njenega odpiranja. Osrednji del raziskave je bil tabor, ki je potekal teden dni na vrtu za stavbo zavoda. Vidik moči je v tem času v za Slovenijo še posebej aktualnem diskurzu deinstitucionalizacije pomemben predvsem zaradi pomena zniževanja stopnje ranljivosti oseb, ki stanujejo v ustanovah, bi pa lahko oz. bodo v prihodnosti spet živele v skupnosti. Ranljivost v tem kontekstu pojmujemo kot posledico velike oddaljenosti od izvorov negotovosti, ki jo totalne institucije vzdržujejo, pri tem pa se naslanjamo na manipulacijo negotovosti kot univerzalno strategijo boja za moč, kot jo je utemeljil Michael Crozier. Tabor kot socialnopedagoška praksa je v našem primeru pokazal, kar so pravzaprav demonstrirale že vse predhodne sorodne raziskave: kateri so ključni pogoji za povečevanje moči oseb v oskrbi totalnih ustanov kot posledice zmanjševanja negotovosti (razbitje krožnosti časa, odpiranje prostorov aktivne participacije pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih in soodločanju, prilagajanje pravil potrebam stanovalcem, izhajanje iz praktičnih konceptov odnosnega državljanstva ter radikalnih pedagogik). Izrazila pa se je tudi potreba, da morajo procesi deinstitucionalizacije, če dejansko želijo omogočiti povečanje moči stanovalcev totalnih ustanov, podpreti tudi strokovni kader v njih, saj ta prav tako čuti posledice različnih oddaljenosti od izvorov negotovosti, na ta način pa se hierarhična struktura (samo)vzdržuje naprej. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
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