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  • المؤلفون: PAHOR, Marija JURIć
  • المصدر:
    Annals for Istrian & Mediterranean Studies / Annales: Series Historia et Sociologia; 2014, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p171-186, 16p
  • معلومة اضافية
    • Alternate Title:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Using historical and other sources the article illustrates the fact that the Alps-Adriatic region, founded in Venice on 22th November 1978 by the Working Community of the same name, has remained an important »crystallizing point of European integration« to this day. In the 35 years of its existence the Alps-Adriatic project has presented a unique case of creation of a culture of dialogue and peace, hiding in itself the lesson of the Second World War - to shake off the threat that totaliarianism, genocide and after-war violence pose to humanity. Its uniqueness consists in the fact that in the cold-war period it worked hard in favour of cross-border contacts and cooperation among people, regions and countries of different ideological, political and economic views. Also after the collapse of communist regimes the Alps-Adriatic project presented an important agent in the reshaping of conflicts into non-violent form. The article points out that these efforts could only began to be fully implemented with clear definition and recognition of state borders, brought about by the London memorandum in 1954 (which was finally ratified by the Osimo Agreements of 1975), by the Austrian State Treaty (1955) and by the Udine Agreement (August 1955), which provided for (partial) crossing of state borders. The fact that the territory of the Udine Agreement spread towards the north up to Austria, influenced also many subsequent interventions aimed at the strengthening of mutual relationships, among others the founding of the Conference of security and cooperation in Europe, which had an essential role in the elimination of the »>iron curtain«. It is not a coincidence that since the mid-1960s the Alps-Adriatic region has contributed to the creation of a new vocabulary of spatial policy with topoi like: »>the mission of integrating nations«, »>promotion of neighbourly contacts«, »>bridge of friendship between three neighbourly states«: national minorities were not to be considered as crystallizing points of tensions and conflicts among countries but first and foremost as »>human capital« for cross-border cooperation. A significant role in the transformation of the Alps-Adriatic region from »territory of conflict« into »territory of dialogue and peace« was played before its formal foundation, i.e. since 1950 by the Slovene (and other) border minority communities. The article points out that this transformation was first based on the policy of oblivion. This was not about some damnatio memoriae or »suppression«, but above all about mitigation of conflict potentials in the atmosphere of live history, to the benefit of prevention of retributive measures and vindictive feelings, of social and political recovery, and of paving the way for the future. From the 1960s on there has been a turnabout in the direction of the remembrance boom. An important role in this sense was played by the students' movements, which expressed the cathegorical imperative »Auschwitz never again« (Th. W. Adorno) and were mostly anti-war and peace-oriented. Since the 1990s this turnabout has been expressed especially in the cultivation of the remembrance of the victims of Nazism and Stalinism which implies the assumption that also seemingly unfriendly enemies can live with each other, not against each other or just side by side. The existence of tradition or a scheme of conscious or unconscious memory and its Europeanization had and has in that context a strong evocative power. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Il contributo sottolinea, che la Regione Alpe-Adria, istituita nel 1978 a Venezia da una Comunità di lavoro che portava lo stesso nome, ha conservato fino ad oggi un ruolo vitale nell'integrazione europea. Nei 35 anni della sua esistenza il progetto Alpe-Adria ha dimostrato di essere un esempio straordinario per incentivare la cultura di dialogo e pace, che nasconde nel suo grembo una verità portata dalla seconda guerra mondiale: non subire più la minaccia, che per !' intera comunità mondiale rappresentano il totalitarismo, il genocidio e la violenza del periodo postbellico. La sua unicità risiede nel fatto, che già nel periodo della guerra fredda, sosteneva la necessità di coltivare dei contatti transfrontalieri e sulla collaborazione della gente, delle regioni, degli stati appartenenti a differenti sistemi ideologici, politici ed economici. Anche dopo la caduta dei regimi comunisti il progetto Alpe-Adria rappresenta un importante fattore nella trasformazione dei conflitti in una forma non violenta. Il contributo fa inoltre notare, come il progetto, nel quale hanno avuto un ruolo importante gli appartenenti della minoranza slovena, fino agli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso poggiava sulla politica dell' oblio e prese poi la via del boom della memoria, del dover ricordare. Il cambiamento divenne più evidente dagli anni Novanta e poggia soprattutto sul perpetuarsi della memoria delle vittime del nazismo e dello stalinismo. Questo implicitamente porta con se il messaggio che anche i più accerrimi nemici possono convivere: non uno contro l'altro, bensì uno con l'altro. L'esistenza della tradizione oppure l'esistenza degli schemi della memoria collettiva conscia e inconscia e la europeizzazione stessi hanno in questo contesto un forte potere evocativo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Prispevek ponazarja, da predstavlja prostor Alpe-Jadran, ki ga je novembra 1978 v Benetkah ustanovila istoimenska Delovna skupnost, vse do danes pomembno »kristalizacijsko točko evropske integracije«. V 35 letih svojega obstoja izstopa alpsko-jadranski projekt kot edinstven primer ustvarjanja kulture dialoga in miru, ki skriva v sebi nauk konca druge svetovne vojne: otresti se grožnje, ki jo za človeštvo predstavljajo totalitarizem, genocid in povojno nasilje. Njegova edinstvenost je v tem, da si je že v času hladne vojne prizadeval za čezmejne stike ter za sodelovanje med ljudmi, regijami in državami različnih ideoloških, političnih in gospodarskih usmeritev. Tudi po padcu komunističnih režimov je alpskojadranski projekt predstavljal pomemben agens pri preoblikovanju konfliktov v nenasilno obliko. Prispevek predoči, da je ta projekt, ki so ga pomembno sooblikovali tudi pripadniki slovenskih nacionalnih manjšin, do1960-ih let temeljil na politiki pozabe, nakar je sledil premik v smeri konjunkture spominjanja. Ta se od 1990-ih let dalje izpričuje zlasti v gojenju spomina na žrtve nacizma in stalinizma, ki implicira predpostavko, da lahko tudi navidez nespravljivi nasprotniki živijo drug z drugim, ne drug proti drugemu ali zgolj drug ob drugem. Obstoj tradicije ali sheme zavednega in nezavednega kolektivnega spomina ter evropeizacija le-tega je imela in ima v tem kontekstu precejšnjo evokativno moč. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Copyright of Annals for Istrian & Mediterranean Studies / Annales: Series Historia et Sociologia is the property of Historical Society of Southern Primorska of Koper and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)