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Effects of different coagulant enzymes used on quality of traditional Örgü cheese (Braided cheese).
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- معلومة اضافية
- Alternate Title:
Učinak različitih koagulirajućih enzima na kvalitetu tradicionalnog Örgü sira (pleteni sir).
- نبذة مختصرة :
In this study, Örgü cheese has been produced by using different coagulating enzymes (calf rennet, microbial enzymes, recombinant chymosin). The effects of different coagulating enzymes which are used on the characteristic of mineral material and cheese has been observed during 90 days ripening time. Mineral material contents of Örgü cheese have been determined with ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy). Proteolysis levels of cheese have been observed with chemical analysis and help of SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The determined difference between analysis results, titratable acidity, total nitrogen, water soluble nitrogen, ripening index, total solid, fat, fat in total solid, salt, salt in total solid, ash, texture, mineral material (Ca, Fe, Cu, Al, Mg, Mn) of Örgü cheese's analysis result haven't been regarded as significant statistically. Each of enzymes which are used effects similarly on α-casein and β-casein during the ripening time and each of the ratios which are gained have been closely determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- نبذة مختصرة :
Örgü sir je proizveden korištenjem nekoliko različitih enzima (teleće sirilo, mikrobni enzim, rekombinantni himozin) te je praćen utjecaj različitih enzima zgrušavanja na osobine mineralnih tvari i sira tijekom 90 dana zrenja. Sadržaj mineralnih tvari Örgü sira utvrđen je ICP-OES (induktivno atomska emisijska spektroskopija). Stupanj proteolize sira utvrđen je kemijskom analizom pomoću SDS-PAGE (sodijum dodecil sulfat poliakrilamid gel elektroforeza). Utvrđene razlike između rezultata, titracijske kiselosti, ukupnog dušika, dušika topivog u vodi, indeksa zrenja, ukupne suhe tvari, masti, masti u suhoj tvari, soli, soli u suhoj tvari, pepela, teksture, mineralnih tvari (Ca, Fe, Cu, Al, Mg, Mn) u Örgü siru nisu statistički značajne. Svaki od korištenih enzima ima sličan utjecaj na α-kazein i β-kazein tijekom dozrijevanja te su svi izračunati omjeri bili vrlo slični. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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