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Academic Journal

Adherence to Therapeutic Recommendations in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Subjects: diabetes; adherence

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 64 (2024); 53826 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 64 (2024); 53826 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Adherence to Physical Activity Guidelines in the Behavioral Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Subjects: physical exercise; behavioral treatment; diabetes education

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 74 (2024); 52085 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 74 (2024); 52085 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Adherence to Therapeutic Recommendations in Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis ; Przestrzeganie zaleceń terapeutycznych u pacjentów chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane

Subjects: przestrzeganie; stwardnienie rozsiane; zalecenia terapeutyczne

  • Source: The Journal of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing; Vol. 9 No. 3 (2020); 103-107 ; Pielęgniarstwo Neurologiczne i Neurochirurgiczne; Tom 9 Nr 3 (2020); 103-107 ; 2299-0321 ; 2084-8021

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Adherence to home blood pressure monitoring depending on the frequency of blood pressure measurements during the day

Subjects: arterial hypertension; adherence to blood pressure; blood pressure

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 10 Nr 3 (2020); 34-41 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 10 No. 3 (2020); 34-41 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

The organisational and psychosocial aspekts of adherence to diabetes therapy

Subjects: diabetes; adherence; psychosocial

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 10 Nr 8 (2020); 150-156 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 10 No. 8 (2020); 150-156 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Factors associated with adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Subjects: type 2 diabetes mellitus; adherence

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 8 Nr 12 (2018); 192-209 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 8 No. 12 (2018); 192-209 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Effect of acceptance of illness on treatment adherence in atrial fibrillation patients

Subjects: atrial fibrillation; acceptance of illness; compliance

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 7 Nr 5 (2017); 154-170 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 7 No. 5 (2017); 154-170 ; 2391-8306

تفاصيل العنوان

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