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Análisis de las condiciones socioeconómicas de las mujeres comerciantes de productos agrícolas y su incidencia en la prestación de los cuidados de sus familias en el contexto post pandemia COVID-19: caso de estudio, Mercado 10 de agosto

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  • نوع التسجيلة:
    Electronic Resource
  • الدخول الالكتروني :
  • معلومة اضافية
    • Publisher Information:
      Universidad de Cuenca 2023-03-08
    • Added Details:
      Lema Tamay, Manuel Ignacio
      Tenecela Illescas, Alex Rodrigo
      Vele Villa, Evelyn Adriana
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The present paper focuses on the analysis of socioeconomic variables and the incidence in the care provision of businesswomen towards their families, in the post-pandemic COVID-19 context. The study uses a mixed approach methodology, with a phenomenological design, which obtains information from the perspective of each business woman and how this problem affects; the paper has an exploratory and descriptive scope on care and socioeconomic issues, quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (interviews) techniques were integrated to obtain a better understanding of the information collected, the study population is women merchants from the agricultural sector of the Market "August 10", form and help to understand how these two variables complement each other, when analyzing the results obtained, tools such as Atlas Ti and Excel were used for interpretation. The results obtained consist of 100% of the respondents answered that their monthly salary is below the unified basic salary, 29.20% of women work more than 7-8 hours a day, 33.3% dedicate 5 to 6 daily hours at home care; for this reason, between commercial and care activities, they work around 14 hours a day. In addition, 87.5% do not have some type of health insurance, it is concluded that their economic, social, and psycho- emotional conditions, the lack of socioeconomic development mechanisms, a fixed salary, the performance of double work, and the lack of access to medical services, make their daily life difficult but have not been impediments for the businesswoman to survive.
    • الموضوع:
    • Note:
    • Other Numbers:
    • Contributing Source:
      From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
    • الرقم المعرف: