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A participa??o das crian?as no desenvolvimento do curr?culo na educa??o infantil

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Thesis Advisors:
      Momo, Mariangela; Capistrano, Naire Jane; Cruz, Rosimeire Costa de Andrade; Cruz, Silvia Helena Vieira; Lopes, Denise Maria de Carvalho
    • بيانات النشر:
    • بيانات النشر:
      PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM EDUCA??O; UFRN; Brasil, 2017.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      IBICT Brazilian ETDs
    • Original Material:
      LIRA, Cl?udia Dantas de Medeiros. A participa??o das crian?as no desenvolvimento do curr?culo na educa??o infantil. 2017. 162f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Educa??o) - Centro de Educa??o, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica ( on 2018-01-15T21:58:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ClaudiaDantasDeMedeirosLira_DISSERT.pdf: 1282441 bytes, checksum: fd301d3d8dff15eba9411c66e3bc91b6 (MD5)
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      Reconhecendo a relev?ncia da participa??o das crian?as na organiza??o de pr?ticas educativas e curriculares nas quais se encontram envolvidas, a presente pesquisa objetivou analisar modos de participa??o de crian?as no desenvolvimento do curr?culo na Educa??o Infantil. Assumindo aportes te?rico-metodol?gicos da abordagem qualitativa na perspectiva hist?rico-cultural de L.S. Vygotsky e do dialogismo de M. Bakhtin, a pesquisa envolveu a constru??o de dados emp?ricos mediante procedimentos de observa??o semiparticipativa, entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e coletivas e an?lise de documentos. O estudo teve como l?cus uma institui??o de Educa??o Infantil da rede municipal, em um munic?pio do interior do Rio Grande do Norte. Como sujeitos foram consideradas crian?as integrantes de uma turma da pr?-escola, com idades entre cinco e seis anos, al?m da professora da turma e a coordenadora pedag?gica do estabelecimento. A constru??o e a an?lise dos dados assumiram, como fundamentos, significa??es contempor?neas de crian?a, educa??o infantil, curr?culo e participa??o. Nessa discuss?o, as crian?as s?o concebidas como sujeitos humanos com especificidades hist?ricas e sociais, capazes de aprender e se desenvolver em condi??es de possibilidades, de produzir cultura e participar dos contextos em que vivem. Da? porque a educa??o tem a fun??o social de promover seu desenvolvimento integral por meio da promo??o de curr?culos compostos pelo conjunto de pr?ticas desenvolvidas pelos profissionais respons?veis e vivenciadas pelas crian?as, articulando saberes e experi?ncias que respeitem as especificidades infantis em contextos de intera??o e ludicidade. A participa??o ? compreendida como inser??o ativa dos sujeitos nos processos e rela??es que lhes dizem respeito: formula??o e express?o de opini?es, intera??es, colabora??o, sentimentos, pontos de vista relativos ?s decis?es e a??es, exerc?cio de escolhas, bem como a produ??o de solu??es e avalia??es propiciados pelo contexto em que est?o. Da an?lise realizada participam, direta e indiretamente, do desenvolvimento do curr?culo, conforme as seguintes acep??es: modo indireto, percebido quando a crian?a ? considerada o centro do processo de ensino e aprendizagem nas proposi??es documentais do PPP, ressaltando sua participa??o do desenvolvimento do curr?culo de diferentes modos, ainda que contingenciados pelas condi??es mediadas pelas a??es da professora e da institui??o: 1) modo indireto n?o ativo, mediante discursos, a??es e inten??es da Professora e da Coordenadora, considerando o que definem ser de interesse e necessidades das crian?as a partir do que observam de suas viv?ncias no contexto educativo; 2) de modo direto ativo, quando s?o estimuladas pela professora a participarem voluntariamente, mediante a flexibilidade da rotina, interagindo com seus pares e Professora, opinando, colaborando com os pares nas atividades desenvolvidas e conduzidas pela professora em momentos diversos da rotina e, principalmente, nas situa??es de brincadeira no parque e na sala, ao decidirem quanto aos brinquedos e modos de brincar; 3) de modo direto ?n?o ativo?, presente no contexto observado, quando as crian?as, na maior parte dos momentos da rotina, realizam a??es definidas pela Professora, n?o sendo consultadas na proposi??o de modos participativos. H? condi??es restritas de participa??o efetiva na defini??o direta do curr?culo em contraponto com as prescri??es observadas no PPP da institui??o e a efetiva??o das atividades que comp?em o curr?culo como pr?xis. As pr?ticas da institui??o, uma vez integrante da totalidade do contexto hist?rico e social em quest?o, remetem ? necessidade de reflex?o, autoavalia??o e reestrutura??o das concep??es e a??es dos profissionais envolvidos, na perspectiva de construir experi?ncias curriculares que incluam as crian?as como sujeitos part?cipes, capazes de se inserir ativamente ? desde que mediados de modo sistem?tico e intencional ? nas decis?es que as envolvem.
      Recognizing the relevance of children?s participation in the organization of educational and curricular practices in which they are involved, the present study aimed to analyze ways of children's participation in curriculum development in Early Childhood Education. Assuming theoretical-methodological contributions of the qualitative approach in a historical-cultural perspective of L. S. Vygotsky and the dialogism of M. Bakhtin, the research involved the construction of empirical data through semi-participatory observation procedures, individual and collective semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The locus study was an institution of Early Childhood Education of the municipal network, in a municipality of the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte. The subjects were children belonging from a pre-school class aged between five and six years, the class teacher and the pedagogical coordinator of the establishment. The construction and analysis of the data assumed, as fundamentals, contemporary meanings of children, early childhood education, curriculum and participation. Children are conceived as human subjects with historical and social specificities, able to learn and develop in conditions of possibilities, to produce culture and to participate in the context in which they live; their education has a social function to promote their integral development through the promotion of curricula composed of the set of practices and experiences developed by the professionals responsible and experienced by the children, articulating knowledge and experiences that respect their children's specifics in contexts of interaction and play. Participation is understood as an active insertion of the subjects in the processes and relationships that concern them: formulation and expression of opinions, interactions, collaboration, feelings, points of view regarding decisions and actions, exercise of choices and production of solutions and evaluations provided by the context in which they are inserted. From the analysis carried out, they participate directly and indirectly in the development of the curriculum. The indirect meaning is perceived when the child is considered the center of the teaching and learning process in the documentary proposals of the PPP, emphasizing its participation in the development of the curriculum in different ways, even if contingent on the conditions mediated by the actions of the teacher and the institution: 1) indirectly not active, through the speeches, actions and intentions of the teacher and the coordinator, considering what they define to be of interest and needs of the children from what they observe of their experiences in the educational context; 2) in a direct active way, when they are stimulated by the teacher to participate voluntarily, through the flexibility of the routine, interacting with their peers and teacher, opining, collaborating with the peers in the activities developed and conducted by the teacher at different moments of the routine and, mainly, in play situations in the park and in the room, when deciding on toys and play modes; 3) in a direct ?non-active? way, present in the observed context, when children, in most moments of the routine, perform actions defined by the teacher, not being consulted in the proposition of participatory modes. There are restricted conditions of effective participation in the direct curriculum definition as opposed to the prescriptions observed in the PPP of the institution and the effectiveness of the activities that make up the curriculum as praxis. The practices of the institution, as part of the entire historical and social context, refer to the need for reflection, self-assessment and restructuring of the conceptions and actions of the professionals involved, with a view to constructing curricular experiences that include children as participants, capable of being inserted actively ? systematically and intentionally ? in the decisions that involve them.
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