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A representa??o social de educa??o tecnol?gica de docentes da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica: CEFETs do Rio Grande do Norte

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Thesis Advisors:
      CPF:02560801353; Lira, Andr? Augusto Diniz; CPF:02234433444; Melo, Marileide Maria de; CPF:04402014468; Domingos Sobrinho, Mois?s; CPF:10809520478; Andrade, Jo?o Maria Valen?a de; CPF:28262441400; Carvalho, Maria do Ros?rio de F?tima de
    • بيانات النشر:
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o; UFRN; BR; Educa??o, 2012.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      IBICT Brazilian ETDs
    • Original Material:
      SOUZA, Evaldo Roberto de. A representa??o social de educa??o tecnol?gica de docentes da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica: CEFETs do Rio Grande do Norte. 2011. 156 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educa??o) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2011.
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T18:18:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EvaldoRS_TESE.pdf: 1321662 bytes, checksum: 09df654be2804ad68493b704cc870555 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-25
      Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
      The aim of this study was to investigate the social representation of technological education teachers at the Federal Technological Education Network. The survey was conducted from 2007 to 2010, and the respondents were 275 teachers, 135 of the Federal Center for Technological Education (CEFET in portuguese) in the state of Amazonas, in Manaus unit headquarters; 140 of the CEFET in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, a unit based in Natal. We adopt the concept of technological education as the top level of professional education, that is to say, the undergraduate programs of short duration called technological courses. The Federal Technological Education Network gathers hundreds of related institutions, coordinated and supervised by the Office of Vocational and Technological Education of the Ministry of Education. Although many of these institutions offer courses in technology education, no research addressing this subject from the perspective of Social Representations Theory (SRT) was found in the literature. We seek to unravel the social representation of technological education of the teachers by adopting the procedural approach of SRT. This is a qualitative approach, focusing on significant aspects of the representative activity and the formation mechanisms of the representation. Therefore, we search the socio-genesis of the representation in the articulations between discourses, social institutions and practices. We initiated the research through applying critical reading and an analytical perspective on the historical and regulatory documents of technological education in Brazil, from the early twentieth century to the present day. We adopt the Procedure for Multiple Classifications (PMC) from the Free Words Association Technique (FWAT) to access the elements of representational content. For the analysis of the data obtained with FWAT and selection of major words / phrases pertinent to the semantic field of education technology, we used Hamlet II software. For the data analysis of PMC and Free Classification (FC) we used the SPSS ? (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 17.0 and used the method of multidimensional scaling - Multidimensional scaling - (MDS). The output from the central MDS takes the form of a set of scatterplots - "perceptual maps" - of which the points are the elements of the representational content. For the FC data analysis we used the Scalogram Multidimensional Analysis (SMA) - which makes use of the original data in its raw form and allows categorical data to be interpreted in the map as measures of (di)similarity. In order to help with the understanding of the settings of the perceptual maps of FC, we used the Content Analysis of the discourse fragments of the teachers interviewed. The results confirm our initial hypothesis regarding the presence of a single plot among the socio-cognitive study subjects, which is the basis for a social representation of technological education in line with the historic assumption of the dichotomy between mental and manual labor. In spite of the three merging representational elements of the representational content, the perceptual maps compiled from the MSA statistics corroborates the dichotomy, with the exception of the map relating to the subgroup of teachers belonging to the humanities
      O objetivo deste trabalho foi pesquisar a representa??o social de educa??o tecnol?gica dos docentes da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica (RFEPT). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida de (2007) a (2010), da qual participaram 275 docentes, sendo 135 do Centro Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica (CEFET) do estado do Amazonas, unidade sede em Manaus e 140 do CEFET do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, unidade sede em Natal. Adotamos a concep??o de educa??o tecnol?gica como sendo o n?vel superior da modalidade Educa??o Profissional, ou seja, os cursos superiores de curta dura??o denominados tecnol?gicos ou cursos de Tecnologia. A RFEPT congrega centenas de institui??es vinculadas, coordenadas e supervisionadas pela Secretaria de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica (SETEC) do Minist?rio da Educa??o (MEC). Apesar de muitas destas institui??es ministrarem cursos de educa??o tecnol?gica n?o encontramos nenhuma pesquisa que abordasse tal objeto sob a ?tica da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais (TRS). Buscamos desvendar a representa??o social de educa??o tecnol?gica dos docentes adotando a abordagem processual da TRS. Tal abordagem se caracteriza por um enfoque qualitativo, centrado nos aspectos significantes da atividade representativa e nos mecanismos de forma??o da representa??o. Assim, procuramos conhecer a s?cio g?nese da representa??o, nas articula??es entre discursos, institui??es e pr?ticas sociais. Iniciamos a pesquisa atrav?s da leitura cr?tica e de uma perspectiva anal?tica sobre documentos hist?ricos e normativos da educa??o profissional e tecnol?gica brasileira, do in?cio do s?culo XX at? os dias atuais. Adotamos o Procedimento de Classifica??es M?ltiplas (PCM) a partir da T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras (TALP) para acessar os elementos do conte?do representacional. Para an?lise dos dados da TALP e sele??o das principais palavras/express?es do campo sem?ntico relativo ? educa??o tecnol?gica utilizamos o software Hamlet II. Para an?lise dos dados do PCM, Classifica??o Livre (CL) fizemos uso do SPSS? (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) vers?o 17.0 e utilizamos o m?todo de an?lise de escalonamento multidimensional - Multidimensional scaling - (MDS). A sa?da (output) do MDS central toma a forma de um conjunto de gr?ficos de dispers?o - "mapas perceptuais" -, nos quais os pontos s?o os elementos do conte?do representacional. Para an?lise dos dados da classifica??o livre utilizamos o m?todo escalonar multidimensional - MSA (Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) - que faz uso dos dados originais em sua forma bruta e possibilita que os dados categ?ricos sejam interpretados no mapa como medidas de (di)similaridade. Para auxiliar a compreens?o das configura??es dos mapas perceptuais da CL utilizamos a An?lise de Conte?do dos fragmentos de discurso dos docentes entrevistados. Os resultados encontrados confirmam nossa hip?tese inicial quanto ? presen?a de uma mesma trama s?cio-cognitiva entre os sujeitos pesquisados, que serve de base a uma representa??o social de educa??o tecnol?gica alinhada ao hist?rico pressuposto da dicotomia entre trabalho intelectual e trabalho manual. Apesar dos tr?s elementos representacionais aglutinadores dos conte?dos representacionais, os mapas perceptuais elaborados a partir das estat?sticas MSA explicitam a citada dicotomia, com exce??o para o mapa referente ao subgrupo de docentes com forma??o na ?rea de ci?ncias humanas
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