نبذة مختصرة : Objective: to analyze the profile of users and the reasons for the nursing consultation in stomatherapy. Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional study. Data was collected from medical records of 252 users, who were consulted in 1116 nursing consultations. Data was analyzed using the SPSS version 20 program, using descriptive statistics. Results: it is revealed, as for sex, that there was no significant difference; as for the age group, 53.6% of the participants were 65 years old or older; the cause of the stoma was malignant neoplastic disease in 65.5% of the sample; the reason for the consultation, in 56%, was to change the ostomy bag and 50.4% of the patients had only one consultation during the analyzed period. Conclusion: it was shown that the stoma nurse needs to reflect on the planning and care strategies provided, contemplating the education of the user's self-care and permanent education of the team, emphasizing the sensitivity of the welcoming, since the majority of patients have malignancy, situation of great impact on the life of the user and their family. Descriptors: Ostomy; Nursing Consultation; Education Continuing; Stomatherapy; Self Care; Nursing Care.Resumo Objetivo: analisar o perfil de usuários e os motivos da consulta de enfermagem em estomaterapia. Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, exploratório e transversal. Coletaram-se os dados em prontuários de 252 usuários nos quais foram consultados em 1116 consultas de enfermagem. Analisaram-se os dados pelo programa SPSS versão 20, empregando-se a estatística descritiva. Resultados: revela-se, quanto ao sexo, que não houve diferença significativa; quanto à faixa etária, 53,6% dos participantes tinham 65 anos ou mais de idade; a causa do estoma foi a doença neoplásica maligna em 65,5% da amostra; o motivo da consulta, em 56%, foi a troca de bolsa de ostomia e 50,4% dos pacientes realizaram somente uma consulta no período analisado. Conclusão: mostrou-se, que o enfermeiro estomaterapeuta ...
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