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Zdravstvena nega mladostnika in motnje hranjenja ; Nursing care of an adolescent with eating disorder

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Pajnkihar, Majda
    • بيانات النشر:
      M. Fetić
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Digital Library of University of Maribor / Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Teoretično izhodišče: Motnje hranjenja so duševne motnje, ki se kažejo kot globoke duševne in čustvene stiske ter nesprejemanje samega sebe. Obolele osebe se izognejo bolečim čustvom in problemom s preusmerjanjem vse svoje energije na hrano in hranjenje. V zadnjih desetletjih so omenjene motnje v porastu, še vedno pa so pogosto prepoznane pozno, ko so že prišle v kronično fazo, kar zdravljenje zelo otežuje. Namen: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili osnovne vrste motenj hranjenja, njihov razvoj in posledice, diagnosticiranje, razširjenost v svetu in Sloveniji, njihovo preprečevanje ter zdravljenje. Predstavili smo tudi vlogo medicinske sestre pri mladostniku z motnjami hranjenja in izpostavili najpomembnejše negovalne diagnoze za določeno vrsto motenj. Metodologija raziskovanja: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko so mladostniki v osnovni šoli seznanjeni z današnjim problemom motenj hranjenja. Poleg tega smo želeli ugotoviti dejavnike tveganja za nastanek motenj hranjenja. Za zbiranje podatkov smo kot instrument raziskovanja uporabili anketo, ki je obsegala 26 vprašanj, od tega 20 odprtega in 6 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Raziskava je bila izvedena v mesecu maju 2010, na anketna vprašanja so odgovarjali osnovnošolci šestega, sedmega, osmega in devetega razreda. Rezultati: Podatki, ki smo jih pridobili z raziskavo kažejo, da mladostniki v osnovni šoli kar v 95% poznajo motnje hranjenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da najbolje poznajo izraz anoreksijo in bulimijo nervozo in njune značilnosti. Najmanj so seznanjeni z kompulzivnim prenajedanjem. Osnovnošolci so tudi potrdili, da vedo dovolj o posledicah motenj hranjenja ter, da vedo, kam bi se v primeru težav obrnili po pomoč. Sklep: Iz raziskave je razvidno, da so motnje hranjenja celovit zdravstveni problem, v katerem se povezujejo telesni, vedenjski in psihološki vplivi. Z ustreznim zdravljenjem in voljo pacientov se vse motnje hranjenja da premagati. ; Theoretical starting - point: Eating disorders are mental disorders, which are expressed as deep mental and emotional distress as well as non-acceptance of oneself. People with eating disorders try to avoid painful emotions and problems by redirecting all of their energy to food and eating. Over the last decades, eating disorders increased and sadly, they are still often detected very late, when they have entered a chronic stage, which makes it more difficult to treat them. Purpose: In the diploma thesis, the most common forms of eating disorders are presented as well as their course of development and their consequences, the diagnoses, prevalence worldwide and in Slovenia in particular, their prevention and treatment. We get acquainted with the situation of a nurse dealing with an adolescent having eating disorders and also the most important nursing diagnoses are exposed for certain forms of disorders. Research methodology: The research was based on quantitative methodology. For the purpose of writing this thesis, Slovene as well as foreign reference books were studied. A survey was conducted to find out to which extent primary-school youth is familiar with today’s problem – eating disorders. At the same time, we wanted to determine potential risk factors for the occurrence of eating disorders. For the purpose of collecting data, a questionnaire was chosen as a research instrument. The questionnaire comprised 26 questions, 20 of which were open and 6 were closed question types. The survey was carried out in May 2010, the questions were answered by pupils from the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade. Results: The data collected from the survey has shown that 95 % of the primary-school pupils are acquainted with eating disorders. The results have shown that they are best acquainted with the terms anorexia and bulimia nervosa as well as with their characteristics ; they are however the least acquainted with compulsive overeating. Primary-school pupils have also confirmed they know enough about the consequences of eating disorders and where to turn to for help if they were facing problems. Conclusion: The research shows that eating disorders are an integrated health problem where physical, behavioural and psychological influences intertwine. With proper treatment and the patient’s strong will power, all eating disorders can be overcome
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