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Vpliv telesne aktivnosti na optimalno urejen krvni tlak mladostnika ; The impact of physical activity on obtaining optimal blood pressure of an adolescent

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Kegl, Barbara
    • بيانات النشر:
      T. Šiško
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Digital Library of University of Maribor / Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Teoretična izhodišča. Telesna aktivnost ima številne ugodne učinke na naše telo in je v kombinaciji s pravilnim, zdravim načinom prehranjevanja in zdravim načinom življenja prav gotovo naložba, ki se nam obrestuje. V svetu in tudi v Sloveniji je število prekomerno prehranjenih mladostnikov in otrok v porastu, debelost pa je eden od dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj arterijske hipertenzije ter bolezni srca in ožilja, na katerega imamo vpliv in seveda lahko preprečimo, da bi se sploh razvila. Raziskovalna metodologija. Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela, kjer smo s pomočjo domače in tuje strokovne literature predstavili oblike telesne vadbe, ki lahko vplivajo na optimalno urejeno arterijsko hipertenzijo pri mladostniku, dejavnike tveganja za razvoj srčno žilnih bolezni ter vlogo medicinske sestre v referenčni ambulanti ter v internistični in kardiološki ambulanti. Sklep. Ugotovili smo, da je v obravnavi mladostnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo v Sloveniji tako kot v Evropskem združenju za hipertenzijo v rabi ameriška klasifikacija hipertenzije. Prav tako smo potrdili, da ima redna telesna aktivnost v obdobju mladostništva ugoden vpliv na znižanje krvnega tlaka, omogoča lažje nadzorovanje telesne teže, zmanjšuje stres, izboljšuje mišično moč in vzdržljivost, vpliva na čvrstost kosti in mišic in nenazadnje pozitivno vpliva na mladostnikovo samopodobo. ; Theoretical introduction. Physical activity has numerous beneficial effects on our body therefore combined with proper and healthy nutrition as well as healthy lifestyle is surely an investment that pays off. The number of over nourished adolescents and children is increasing in Slovenia as well as in the world. Obesity is one of the risk factors for arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases to develop. However, it is possible to prevent it from happening. Research methodology. A descriptive working method was applied. Various forms of physical exercise can influence optimally developed adolescent arterial hypertension, risk factors regarding cardiovascular diseases as well as the role of the nurse working in a reference outpatient clinic or in outpatient clinic for cardiological disease. All of the above mentioned was presented by exploring domestic and foreign professional literature. Conclusion. The results have shown that American hypertension classification was used when treating adolescents with arterial hypertension in Slovenia as well as in the European hypertension association. It was also confirmed that regular physical activity in adolescence lowers blood pressure, enables adolescents to control their weight more easily, decreases stress, improves brawn and endurance and influences bone and muscle firmness. All in all it positively influences adolescents’ self-esteem.
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