نبذة مختصرة : In mussel hatchery systems, the settlement process is a crucial element influencing seed yield. The current study assayed the influence of five densities of competent pediveliger larvae on settlement success and post-larvae production. We showed an inverse relationship between density and settlement efficiency, e.g., an attachment success of 99.4% at the lowest density (35 larvae/cm2) but only 9% at the highest density (210 larvae/cm2). However, post-larvae production was higher at intermediate larvae densities (70 larvae/cm2). The reimplementation of treatments upon post-larvae density after 6 weeks post settlement showed that the lowest-density groups bore both the highest post-larvae growth rate (22.24 ± 4.60 µm/day) and the largest head batch (48% of the size distribution), as compared to the higher-post-larvae-density groups. These results highlight the importance of optimizing both pediveliger larvae density and post-larvae density, to maximize high-quality seed yield in local hatcheries. Current rearing technologies would assure a timely commercial seed production to protect natural sea rocky beds in Alboran Sea coasts.
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