نبذة مختصرة : By seeing the rise of small trading businesses with portable containers carried out by the people of Pontianak city as a side or permanent business, where as it is known that there are still many businesses that do not take care of their business licenses which result in the eviction of these businesses. So before establishing a business, a business license is needed from the local government so that the trading business can run safely and smoothly. This makes the author curious about the portable container business license. As we know, there is no complete information that specifically explains or regulates the trade business with Portable Container either in the form of data, Legislation, Regional Regulations (PERDA), and others. Meanwhile, in establishing a business, it is necessary to pay attention to legal aspects, starting from business licensing and company registration which must comply with the provisions of the Act or its implementing regulations, including matters that must be registered by each company and authorized by an authorized official of the registration office. In empowering Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, they are able to encourage the pace of the national economy, so that a healthy economic order can be realized. Due to the important role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), business actors need to take care of their trade licenses. Keywords: MSMEs, Licensing Law, Trade Business with Portable Containers Abstrak Dengan melihat maraknya usaha-usaha dagang kecil dengan container portable yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat kota Pontianak sebagai usaha sampingan ataupun tetap, dimana seperti yang diketahui bahwa masih banyak usaha yang tidak mengurus perizinan usahanya yang mengakibatkan tergusurnya usaha tersebut. Maka sebelum mendirikan sebuah usaha, dibutuhkan suatu adanya perizinan usaha dari pihak pemerintah daerah agar usaha dagangnya dapat berjalan dengan aman dan lancar. Hal ini membuat penulis penasaran mengenai perizinan usaha container portable tersebut. Seperti ...
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