نبذة مختصرة : A subject-object epistemological relationship has been established between teachers and students in teaching traditional mathematics. This fact is closely related to educational policies and to the way teachers see mathematics and use education as an exercise of power. Traditionally, education institutions have also been objects of oppressive power, since they have imposed rigid and unchangeable mathematics. In this documentary theoretical reflective research we make contributions to nontraditional mathematics teaching with basis on the works of educator Paulo Freire and liberating pedagogy in the classroom. We conclude, for example, that Freirean dialogue is one of the fundamental principles which in this case allows communication and places actors of the educational process of mathematics in a horizontal position, as opposed to authoritarian education castrating traditional pedagogy of mathematics. Liberating education proposes peer relationships and ongoing dialogue to facilitate that both the learner and the educator learn. That is where the teacher becomes a learner and the student becomes a teacher. Dialogue facilitates a positive attitude towards error in solving math problems. There is a trend favoring learning from errors, considering them valid elements in the construction of mathematical knowledge and personal development or selfesteem, and fearing not to make them, which facilitates examining its causes. ; En la enseñanza de la matemática tradicional se ha dado una relación epistemológica sujeto-objeto entre docente y estudiante. Este hecho está íntimamente relacionado con las políticas educativas y de cómo concibe el docente la matemática y usa la educación como ejercicio de poder. Las instituciones educativas tradicionalmente también han sido objetos de poder opresor, pues se ha impuesto una matemática rígida e inmodificable. En esta investigación teórica reflexiva de tipo documental, desde las ideas de las obras del pedagogo Paulo Freire y la pedagogía liberadora en las aulas, se hacen aportes a ...
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