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Mikroorganizmi kao bioindikatori zagađujućih materija u zemljištu.
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- معلومة اضافية
- Alternate Title:
Microorganisms as bioindicators of pollutants in soil.
- نبذة مختصرة :
Microorganisms are the predominant portion of the soil's biological phase and they are indicators of soil health and quality. Soil microorganisms a) take part in degradation of organic and inorganic compounds, b) their activity, number and diversity may serve as bioindicators of toxic effects on soil biological activity, c) some microbial species may be used for soil bioremediation and d) some sensitive microbes are used in eco-toxicity tests. The primary microbial population starts to decompose herbicides several days after their arrival into the soil. The secondary population produces induced enzymes and decomposes herbicides after a period of adaptation. Certain microbial groups are indifferent to the applied herbicides. Effect of heavy metals on soil microbial activity depends on the element, their concentration, microbial species, as well as physical and chemical soil properties. Toxic level of individual pollutants depends on their origin and composition. However, combined application of chemicals makes room for the occurrence of synergistic toxic effects detrimental for the ecosystem and human health [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- نبذة مختصرة :
Mikroorganizmi kao najzastupljeniji deo biološke komponente daju informativnu ocenu zdravlja i kvaliteta zemljišta. Mikroorganizmi zemljišta a) učestvuju u degradaciji organskih i neorganskih jedinjenja, b) njihova enzimatska aktivnost, brojnost i raznovrsnost su bioindikatori toksičnih efekata zagađujučih materija na biološku aktivnost zemljišta, c) pojedine vrste mikroba mogu se primeniti u bioremedijaciji ali i d) pojedine bakterije i alge su na osnovu inhibicije luminiscencije ili rasta ćelija biosenzori toksičnosti zemljišta. Tolerantnost mikroorganizama na pesticide i teške metale, pored smanjenja biodiverziteta, omogućava da se pojedine vrste i rodovi koriste u procesima bioremedijacije zemljišta. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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