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GPCRM: a homology modeling web service with triple membrane-fitted quality assessment of GPCR models.
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- المؤلفون: Miszta, Przemysław1; Pasznik, Paweł1; Jakowiecki, Jakub1; Sztyler, Agnieszka1; Latek, Dorota1; Filipek, Sławomir1
- المصدر:
Nucleic Acids Research. 2018, Vol. 46 Issue W1, pW387-W395. 9p. 2 Diagrams, 2 Charts, 1 Graph.
- معلومة اضافية
- نبذة مختصرة :
Due to the involvement of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in most of the physiological and pathological processes in humans they have been attracting a lot of attention from pharmaceutical industry as well as from scientific community. Therefore, the need for new, high quality structures of GPCRs is enormous. The updated homology modeling service GPCRM ( meets those expectations by greatly reducing the execution time of submissions (from days to hours/minutes) with nearly the same average quality of obtained models. Additionally, due to three different scoring functions (Rosetta, Rosetta-MP, BCL::Score) it is possible to select accurate models for the required purposes: the structure of the binding site, the transmembrane domain or the overall shape of the receptor. Currently, no other web service for GPCR modeling provides this possibility. GPCRM is continually upgraded in a semi-automatic way and the number of template structures has increased from 20 in 2013 to over 90 including structures the same receptor with different ligands which can influence the structure not only in the on/off manner. Two types of protein viewers can be used for visual inspection of obtained models. The extended sortable tables with available templates provide links to external databases and display ligand–receptor interactions in visual form. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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